Mental training for teams

The purpose of cooperation with teams is to ensure the systematic application of mental preparation. This supports the quality of the team and individual performance while putting the greatest emphasis on the development of the player. We will work closely with coaching staff and management to set goals and activities for mental preparation. In addition to this we will also work with the team and individual players.

What can you get?

Clear goals

Supporting the coaching staff in goal setting and facilitating the communication of these goals to the players.

Coaches development

Improving the coaches’ ability to apply mental preparation to the team and players development.

Improved cooperation

Creating synergy within the team between coaching staff and players.

Suitable environment

Creating a team atmosphere that facilitates the development of individual players and is a strong base for optimal team performance.

Increased communication

Improved communication between members of coaching staff, coaching staff and team.

Dominant team

Creating a team with mental toughness so they are dominant within the match and are not affected by pressures or unfavorable scores.

Improved concentration

Develop concentration under pressure and the ability to transfer skills from training into performance.

Enhanced responsibility

Motivating the athlete to take responsibility and show initiative in their own development.

What do we offer?

Mental profile

The creation of mental profiles of athletes, teams, coaches and coaching staff through an online software solution.

Development plan

Development plan for players, team, coaches or coaching staff created by our consultants.

Individual consultations

Personalised consultations for athletes and coaches focused on individual development.

Group workshops

Group workshops for teams and coaching staff targeting development of the team atmosphere.

Concrete activities

We provide athletes, teams and coaching staff with specific practices that they can apply to training and sporting performances.

Up-to-date data

Current data on players’ mental profile and team’s mental readiness for competition. Along with recommendations improvement.

Reporting to management

Regular reporting regarding activities to management and collaboration in setting future goals and directions.

Operational support

Operational support for players, coaches and parents in case of emergency.

All development plans can be set individually according to the clients demands and expectations. The price and financial conditions are determined based on the type of cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further info.

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